Yesterday, I was finally bored enough to install a free OS that many claim is the "future of computing" and arguebly the best OS ever. Just a reminder, I'm not going to go too deep in this first impression. I'm also going to compare it to OS X (Macs) and Windows.
Ubuntu starts up with a similar boot screen as Windows XP's and higher. It boots noticeably slower then Mac OS X, about the same time as most Windows PCs do. Not surprising. When it finally boots, up, you see your desktop. When I first saw Ubuntu, years ago, I thought that it looked akward and unclean. To a lower degree, I still feel the same. There's just too many buttons, and little style. Other then that, it's pretty decent. Applications and other things are easy to find, and you won't find youself using the search box as much as you do in Windows, and sometimes even in Macs. It comes with a wealth of applications, I can remember Firefox and GIMP. Firefox runs "meh" and the text onscreen looks terrible, I must say. But I won't use that against Ubuntu - it was probably the lack of personal configuration. Talking about configuration, Ubuntu is pretty good with that. Comes with a few themes, only like, 5 wallpapers, and some visual effects which I can't try (Virtual Machines...). GIMP runs amazingly. You can guess it was made for Linux.
Though I haven't tried it to a full extent, all Ubuntu is is a decent Windows clone. That is all.
This post was posted on 2/16/09 @ 9:19 PM EST and 6:07 PM UST.
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"Ubuntu is is a decent Windows clone."
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